How to “Sunday” like a True Teacher

Step One: Wake up on Sunday morning feeling just a little crazed. Start panicking the moment your feet touch the floor as you realize that there are only so many hours in one day and so many things that you’d like to/need to get done. Resolve to accomplish as much as you can while simultaneously […]

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Why I Think Teachers Should Be MORE Selfish

I’m going to share an idea that makes me instantly uncomfortable and bracing myself for backlash: it’s time for teachers to be more selfish. Let me start by saying that I am extremely aware of the “lazy” reputation that others have cultivated for teachers. I am certainly aware that many people think teachers are only […]

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Fantasies I’ve Had While in Staff Meetings

Mindy Kaling once talked about the fantasies she has while running. She admitted that the motivation to be in shape was not enough to keep her going (hello, relatable!) so she concocts these wildly fanciful stories to keep her spirits up as she slogs through the miles. I recall that she once vividly described a […]

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It’s Okay to Change Your Mind

I watched a Taylor Mali video this morning in which he said “Changing your mind is one of the best ways to see if you still have one”. Whoa. Change has been at the forefront of my mind for the last few weeks. We fear change for so many reasons. In particular, I agonize over […]

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