Rose-Tinted Read: “The More of Less”

Over the last few weeks, I’ve been finding my way to minimalism. I believe that minimalism is not a natural concept for most of us.  We are soaked in consumerism and constant marketing, advertising, and messages that tell us we are not enough, we don’t have enough, we don’t measure up to those around us. […]

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Want to be a Minimalist? Step One: Define Your “Rules”

In my last post I wrote about my decision to rid my house of what I’ve deemed unnecessary possessions in an effort to find some freedom from both owning and feeling owned by things. As I embarked on this path which feels very unfamiliar and even somewhat uncomfortable, although teeming with possibilities and the promise […]

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Categories: Minimalism

Why I Decided To Get Rid Of All of My Stuff

Okay, I’ll admit that the above title is somewhat misleading, but when I jump into things I like to really jump into them. I often feel overwhelmed and like I can’t keep up, and I recently realized that a lot of that was stemming from the stuff I owned. I’ve never been a fan of […]

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Categories: Minimalism