5 Low-Waste Shopping Hacks

Having turned thirty earlier this year, I’ve found myself a bit obsessed, er preoccupied, with the number thirty. In addition to the 30 goals I set for myself before the big birthday, reducing my waste has been one of the most important things I’ve worked on this year. So, in honor of 30, I thought […]

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Why Switch to a Menstrual Cup?

Welcome to a blog post that I never thought I’d write: why I love my menstrual cup and think every single human female needs to make the switch! I recently wrote a series of 30 ways to reduce your waste, and menstrual cups were one of my 30 suggestions. When writing the fourth post in […]

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6 Swaps for Low-Waste Personal Care

Having turned thirty earlier this year, I’ve found myself a bit obsessed, er preoccupied, with the number thirty. In addition to the 30 goals I set for myself before the big birthday, reducing my waste has been one of the most important things I’ve worked on this year. So, in honor of 30, I thought […]

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