I’m not always one to follow trends, but the recent “say no to plastics”, ban single-use, create less waste movement is one that I am ALL about. Over the last year or so I’ve been working to remove unnecessary (i.e. most) plastic from our home and our lives, be more mindful of the packaging I do acquire, and just consume and create less waste in general.
I can admit that it’s a difficult transition to make. Using plastic is cheap and easy, but it’s also the reason why our planet is covered in garbage right now. Like any lifestyle change, going low-waste isn’t easy and it won’t happen overnight. It can seem really overwhelming at first, and admittedly still does seem overwhelming to me at times. However, as I continue seeking out ways to go low-waste, I’m finding more and more resources to help me on my journey, and I couldn’t think of a better way to help someone else’s low-waste journey than to pass them along.
Why would I try to create less waste?
Maybe you want to minimize your personal waste a bit. Maybe you’re hoping to fit everything you use into a mason jar this year (seriously, it’s been done and it’s awesome), or you’re just a beginner looking to start with some very easy ways to lessen your personal waste. No matter which category you fit into, I hope you can find something helpful in this series of posts.
With my thirtieth birthday right around the corner, I’m finding myself a bit obsessed, er preoccupied, with the number thirty. In addition to the 30 goals I set for myself before the big birthday, reducing my waste has been one of the most important things I’ve worked on this year. So, in honor of 30, I thought I’d share 30 (mostly) easy ways to reduce your waste and stop creating so much garbage that is actually expensive, unnecessary, and bad for the planet.
(Because 30 changes is A LOT to make at once, and reducing waste can already seem pretty hopeless, I’ve split these 30 things into 5 different categories, making this one potentially crazy long post a more manageable series. Enjoy each of the parts below!)
Find each part here: 
Part One: For Your Body (Skin and Body Care)
Part Four: A Little More Personal